What Acne Treatments to take?
Acne treatments target comedones, in addition to increasing oil production, they also reduce breakouts and inflammation. The choice of treatment depends on how predominant the comedones or inflammatory lesions are. Keep in mind that there is no single treatment, so a specialist is recommended for a specific treatment depending on the level of acne.
Mild Acne
Topical acne medications can be used some products that do not require a prescription, usually local treatments; therefore, they are prescribed in the form of gels, lotions or creams, and it is important to avoid exposure to the sun and use sunscreen while using these medications.
- Topical retinoids: Retinoids, derived from vitamin A, can also be used to treat pimples, as in the case of adapalene or tretinoin. These retinoids are anti-inflammatory that act on the sebaceous gland, reducing sebum production, stimulating cell regeneration and improving wound healing.
- Benzoyl peroxide: Benzoyl peroxide helps in the treatment of pimples, since it has a high bactericidal and anti-inflammatory power, fighting bacteria on the skin.
- Salicylic Acid: Salicylic acid is an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal exfoliant that helps in the treatment of acne, since it controls the oiliness of the skin and prevents contamination by fungi and bacteria.
- Topical antibiotics: Creams such as azelaic acid, erythromycin or clindamycin. They work by killing bacteria and reducing inflammation. They are usually used when there are inflammatory lesions.
Severe Acne
Medications for oral use can be prescribed as pills or capsules, because due to the inflammatory signs, a better controlled treatment should be considered, that is why systemic treatments are used.
- Oral antibiotics: Antibiotics, such as tetracycline and minocycline, act by reducing inflammation and the presence of bacteria on the skin, being prescribed in cases of more severe acne, with many lesions and inflammation. Another antibiotic that can also be used to treat pimples is doxycycline.
- Oral contraceptives: The treatment of acne in adolescent and adult women can be done with the use of oral contraceptives, such as drospirenone or cyproterone, which help control hormones, such as androgens, reducing skin oiliness and the formation of pimples.
- Oral isotretinoin (vitamin A): It is one of the most effective treatments to combat acne. This active substance acts on the sebaceous gland, decreasing sebum production, thus reducing the proliferation of bacteria and inflammation. This medication is marketed under the name of Roacután and is obtained in pharmacies with a prescription. Because it can cause fetal abnormalities, it should not be used immediately before or during pregnancy. It is usually given daily for 5 months.
NOTE: Antibiotics are sold in pharmacies or drugstores only under the presentation of a medical prescription.
- Phototherapy: Various light-based treatments have been tested with relative success. Most will require several visits to the doctor’s office. Further studies are needed to determine the ideal method, light source, and dose.
- Chemical peel: This procedure repeatedly applies a chemical solution, for example, salicylic acid, glycolic acid, or retinoic acid. This treatment is for mild acne. It may improve the appearance of the skin, although the change is not lasting and repeat treatments are usually necessary.
- Drainage and removal: Your doctor may use special tools to gently remove closed comedones (or whiteheads), open comedones (or blackheads), or cysts that have not been removed by topical medications. This technique temporarily improves the appearance of the skin, but it could also leave scars.
- Steroid infiltration: Nodular and cystic lesions can be treated by steroid infiltration. This therapy has resulted in a rapid improvement and decrease in pain. Side effects may include discoloration and thinning of the skin in the treated area.
- Injections: Hyaluronic acid can be injected under the mark of atrophic scars to fill them. However, since hyaluronic acid is gradually broken down by the body, the results will only be short-term. The benefit of injections in hypertrophic scars is usually longer term.
- Laser: The skin is injured in a specific way to activate its natural self-healing process. Once the skin is renewed, the complexion looks more even. There is a wide range of laser variants available and this treatment should only be carried out by an experienced dermatologist to avoid skin damage.
What Alternative Products to use?
Some of the alternative and integral medicines can contribute to the improvement of the skin and reduction of acne appearances:
- Apply apple cider vinegar: The organic acids in apple cider vinegar can help kill acne-causing bacteria and reduce the appearance of scars. It can also improve the appearance of acne scars.
- Take a zinc supplement: People with acne tend to have lower zinc levels than people without acne. Several studies suggest that orally administered zinc can significantly reduce acne.
- Prepare a mask of honey and cinnamon: Honey and cinnamon have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. They have the ability to fight bacteria and reduce inflammation, two factors that trigger acne.
- Treat the affected parts with tea tree oil: Tea tree oil has strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Applying it to the skin can reduce acne.
Apply green tea to your skin: Green tea is rich in antioxidants that help fight bacteria and reduce inflammation. Some research indicates that applying green tea extract to the skin can reduce acne. - Moisturize with Aloe Vera: When applied to the skin, Aloe Vera gel can help heal wounds, treat burns, and fight inflammation.
Take a fish oil supplement: Fish oils contain two main types of omega-3 fatty acids: eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid. Taking a fish oil supplement can help reduce acne. - Brewer’s yeast: A strain of brewer’s yeast, called CBS Hansen, appears to help decrease acne when taken by mouth. May cause gas (flatulence).
What are the Recommendations for Acne?
Dermatologists recommend these Tips and advice to prevent and combat acne:
- Wash problem areas twice a day. Use a mild non-soap cleanser without going overboard. Excessive scrubbing and exfoliation can also make acne worse. Scrubs that dissolve during washing are the least abrasive. Scrubs with ground fruit seeds and aluminum oxide tend to be more abrasive.
- Try cleaning cloths or wipes. These are gentle alternatives to cleansers and soaps. Open weave cloths are good for dry and sensitive skin. Closer weave cloths are better at removing dead skin cells.
- Treatment products should be applied topically after washing.
- Don’t use too much product. After cleansing the skin, apply just enough of the acne product to treat the affected areas. Some cloths and wipes contain benzoyl peroxide and other active ingredients, so it is not necessary to apply more products with these active ingredients after cleansing.
- Use a non-oily, water-based moisturizer. This type of emulsion relieves dry and flaky skin.
- Avoid cosmetics, sunscreens and oily hair products. Use water-based or non-comedogenic products.
- Do not touch or squeeze the pimples. Infections or scarring may occur.
- Avoid letting anything touch your face. Keep your hair clean and out of the face. Also avoid resting your hand or phone on the side of your face, on the other hand, avoid contact of the hair with the skin of the face. It is not recommended to wear long hair or bangs.
- Avoid rubbing the area when drying.
- Do not panic if a slight irritation appears.
- Although food is not the cause of acne, it should not be abused: pork, fat, pastries, shellfish and alcohol; as well as Foods with chocolate or alcohol derivatives, Nuts and strong cheeses.
- Avoid the use of cosmetics that contain oils or fats in their composition.
- Do not touch the pimples as it is usually one of the frequent causes of complications.
- Have patience. Acne is an ailment that, even with treatment, takes at least three months to heal.
- Avoid stress. For this, it is important to sleep eight hours a day. So how to practice sports, especially outdoors.
- Do not share treatments. Every disease is different.
- Failure to treat scars while lesions are active could lead to complications and uncorrectable damage.
NOTE: If you have problems or have suffered from moderate or severe acne, you should consult your GP or dermatologist for advice on the cosmetics you should use.
Click HERE for more information on Acne, Causes, Consequences and Treatment.
Click HERE for more information on Acne Symptoms / Myths.
Click HERE for more information on the Complications / Risk Factors of Acne.
Click HERE for more information on Obesity, Causes, Consequences and Treatments.