Acne Complications and Risk Factors in the Skin

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What are Acne Complications?

Most people suffer from mild acne that usually disappears after adolescence. However, acne complications can develop from moderate to severe acne.

Acne Complications / complicaciones del acné

The scars

A study shows that one in five people with acne have scars visible to the naked eye on the skin of the chest, arms and back. These scars resulting from acne complications present the following details:

Erythematous scars: They are flat, red-pink spots, very visible. They usually disappear over time on their own, but it seems that the prognosis improves if they are treated early, generally with vascular laser or pulsed light.

Atrophic scars: They are the most frequent scars, they are produced by a lack of collagen and elastic fibers, they also appear in the form of depressions or sinking.

Within these there are different types:

  • The ice pick or icepick, which are circular, very small and very deep.
  • The wavy or rolling ones are less deep, with poorly defined edges and, as their name indicates, they give the appearance of ripples or dunes on the skin.
  • In van or boxcar, which are deep scars, with well-defined borders.

Hypertrophic and Keloid Scars: Generally on shoulders, chest and back. They can be from small red lumps to real tumors that can itch, cause pain and make the patient who develops them very self-conscious. In this case, early treatment and the combination of different techniques is essential for the best possible result.

The scars / Las Cicatrizaciones


The skin darkens in the areas affected by acne. Once the acne has cleared, the affected skin may be darker (hyper-pigmented) or lighter (hypo-pigmented) than before the condition occurred.

Psychological problems

Acne can make you feel insecure or angry about the appearance of your skin, especially if it is scarred. Talk to your personal doctor if you develop acne complications and they make you feel depressed.

Psychological problems / Problemas psicológicos

What Risk Factors in the Skin exist?

There are several risk factors that increase the chance of having this skin disease. As they are:

  • Although people can get acne at any age, it occurs most often in teenagers.
  • Hormonal changes are common during puberty or pregnancy, as well as with long-term use of medications.
  • Genetics play a role in acne, so if your parents suffered from acne complications, chances are you will too.
  • You may develop acne complications when your skin comes into contact with oil or oily lotions and creams.
  • Frictions produced by items of common use such as telephones, cell phones, helmets, tight collars, clothing and backpacks.

On the other hand, there are also more complex risks that, so to speak, are not temporary, such as:

  • Skin trauma: A mechanical and repetitive trauma, caused by washing the affected skin with soap, detergent, astringent or other agents, can worsen or generate acne complications because it can favor the rupture of the comedones, causing the appearance of inflammatory lesions.
  • Eating habits: Studies have revealed that there may be an association between the development of acne and a high consumption of milk and dairy products. Likewise, a relationship has been established between the appearance of acne and diets with a high glycemic load, such as pasta, bread, cookies, cereals, white rice or watermelon. These types of foods raise levels of a substance called insulin-like growth factor (IGF), which can promote acne development. But there are some foods like chocolate or potato chips that don’t actually cause acne for sure. But in a long-term measure these products do generate cholesterol, inducing Obesity, then there it could show relevant results.
  • Stress: It is a possible risk factor for acne as some studies have found that the severity of acne worsens in times of stress, but it does not always fully guarantee that it is a factor in acne complications.
  • Insulin resistance: Insulin resistance could also be one of the factors that favors the appearance of acne, since it can stimulate greater production of androgens, and is associated with higher levels of insulin-like growth factor in the blood. 1 (IGF-1), which is related to a higher level of facial sebum secretion. During puberty, there is an abnormal increase in insulin resistance and IGF-1, which is also the time of acne onset.
  • Increased body mass index (BMI): Studies have been conducted to analyze a possible relationship between body weight and acne, but the results have been disparate in such a way that a direct association between obesity or overweight cannot be confirmed ( or low weight) and the development of acne.

obesidad / obsesity


NOTE: If you have problems or have suffered from acne complications, be it moderate or severe, you should consult your family doctor or your dermatologist for advice on the cosmetics to use.


Click HERE for more information on Acne, Causes, Consequences and Treatment.

Click HERE for more information on Acne Symptoms / Myths.

Click HERE for more information on Treatments / Alternative Products / Recommendations Against Acne.

Click HERE for more information on Obesity, Causes, Consequences and Treatments.